Its about time I've told you all why im into Chuck E. Cheese so much and how I started making mascots. Instead of making a video about it I've decided to write about it
Summer of 2016
One day my aunt was watching me and my cousin and she got a free Wii from one of her friends. Along with a bunch of games but one stood out from the rest Chuck E. Cheese's Party Games. While my cousin wanted to play Wii sports I wanted to play the CEC game then finally I got to play it! I loved the game and wanted a copy of my own. Which I got soon after but this game inspired me to try and make my room into a mini Chuck E. Cheese and of course it looked terrible. The only actual CEC thing I had at the time was a birthday star medal. I had a birthday party there when I was turning 4 and some how I still had it! I was trying to make it into a CEC so I needed a mascot I found a printable CEC Halloween mask here is a picture of it.

Well every body has to starts some where. I know what your thinking that doesn't look that bad im gonna print this out! Trust me it was pretty bad because it has no back side or top on it. You had to cut out a strip of paper and tape it on which was a pain because it would rip and come off. Why would they call this a Halloween mask? Its bad for little little kids too like their parents would make them a CEC shirt! I'm sorry I shouldn't be ranting about a printable mask okay on with the story. My friends were actually coming over the day after i did all this. I woke up really early and put the costume on and greeted them when they arrived. They were like uh... what are you doing! I told them my plans on making my room into a Chuck E. Cheese's and they agreed to help me! We did improve my room a lot but it still needed some more work. We made a lot of memories making and playing in my little Chuck E. Cheese. I give my friends a lot of credit for where I am today but sadly I don't see them any more. My mom and their mom stopped being friends but thats too personal to talk about anyway lets talk about the costumes!
Late 2016
You guys saw my original now lets talk about the other ones. After awhile I started to draw my mascot heads, made Chuck E.'s snout 3D, and the bill of his cap 3D. I forgot to mention the outfit I wore when I was in the costume. I took a plain white shirt and sloppily colored it in with a purple sharpie (it looked terrible because you could pretty much only see white). For the pants it was just sweat pants they looked bad as well because I was making avenger chuck and he wears shorts it didn't look right. I also had no green under shirt so you could see my skin and to top it off NO GLOVES! Bad right? Believe it or not it got better!
The next year was a big step I got and actual purple shirt shorts and grey pants. Oh and did I mention GLOVES!? But there was 1 problem the head still sucked it was way too small still but an improvement to what I had.
Late 2017 early 2018
One day I decided I was going to make a new head but differently. It was pretty similar to the technique. I used when I first started my channel but it had some problems. I used thin paper and put card board in the front so the paper wouldn't fold and it was painful my nose would push up against it. This head didn't even last a year!
Okay 2018 was a huge step for my mascots. They didn't smoosh my face for once! I would rate it 3 Chuck E.'s out of 5. The head I dont really need to talk about because most of you have seen it but if your new here is a link to my first video.
2019 to today
Alright 2019 the biggest improvement to my whole career of making mascots (Its not a career I just wanted to put that). The whole head is 3D now. I use fabric to make the heads. Real hats, better outfits etc. I have definitely come a long way since printing out a mask. I really hope you guys have enjoyed this. I know I wrote a lot but i wanted to tell you how getting started was for me, and it was worth it .Well thank you guys for reading have a Chuck E. day and keep on smiling bye!
que buena historia lyla!